The Talos F200X Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM)combines high-resolution S/TEM and TEM imaging with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) characterization with compositional mapping using 4 in-column SDD Super-X windowless detectors. The Talos F200X can perform EELS by using Gatan's Enfinium ER (977) spectrometer with UltraFast DualEELS spectrum (simultaneous acquisition of low-loss and core-loss spectra).
Talos F200X TEM General Specifications
- HRTEM line resolution: 0.10 nm
- STEM resolution: 0.16 nm
- Super-X EDS system: 136 eV for Mn-Kα and 10 kcps output
- EELS energy resolution: 0.8 Ev
General Policy 
- The Talos F200X TEM service is operated by Nano3 staff.
- Customers need to submit the service request through email to Dr. Jeff Wu ( Please include the following info in the email.
- Customer's contact info.
- Sample info, include previous / reference TEM images if available.
- What TEM services are you interested in getting from TEM service?
- High Resolution TEM (HR TEM) Analysis
- Scanning/Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM) Analysis
- STEM Bright Field (BF) Imaging
- STEM High-Angle Annular Dark-Field (HAADF) Imaging
- STEM Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) Analysis
- STEM Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) Analysis
- Other
- Please include academic papers or tech report for references for the project.
- Customers, please provide clear instructions for TEM services requested or inquired. Customers are highly recommended to attend the onsite TEM services, if possible, especially for the 1st session.
- Nano3 staff will review the request and email back if there are additional questions. Nano3 staff may set up a zoom / phone call meeting to review and discuss details. Please be aware of additional staff time charges beyond the first zoom/phone-call meeting.
- It is recommended that customers prepare their own samples. Nano3 may offer services for sample preparations. Please discuss details with Nano3 staff. Please be aware of additional staff assisted charges for sample preparation.
- Turnaround time is project dependent. Nano3 staff will reply within 24 hours either for additional information or confirmation of receiving samples being mailed to us.
- Rates can be found at
- Disclaimer: Nano3 staff cannot guarantee the outcome. There is a possibility that Nano3 staff might not be able to find the feature of interest if the samples are not well prepared. Nano3 staff will keep you updated during the service session, but you will still be charged for the time spent on your sample even if Nano3 staff could not see the feature.
Nano3's TEM is located in
Atkinson Hall, Room 1416-B.
If you have questions please email Dr. Jeff Wu at: