Staff-assisted Fabrication and Characterization

Staff-assisted Services


Nano3 staff can help on-site and remote users with their fabrication and characterization needs. Staff are fully trained on the equipment and have experience to help succesfully complete projects. The amount and length of service work is up to the customer. Staff can help for a single step, layer, or entire device based on the customer's needs.

Please note the following:


The cost depends on the complexity of the project. Staff can provide a rough estimate, but users will be billed based on the amount of lab use, the amount of general staff assistance, any tool surcharges, and any special material costs. Rates for the different types of users can be found on the Faciltity User Rates page.


Email Nano3 Staff with a brief description of your processing goals and requirements at Nano3. We will respond to your inquiry and provide the next steps for staff-assisted services.